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The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

May 20, 2019

In Matthew 5, doesn’t Jesus say that not a jot nor a tittle of the Law will pass away? Aren’t you saying something different than Jesus? Aren’t believers freed from some of the Law but not all of it, right? Doesn’t Romans 3:31 say that we “uphold” or “establish” the Law while under grace?

May 20, 2019

What was the nature of David and Jonathan’s relationship? I have no purpose and I want to die- how can you help me? I’m not sure if I’m really saved because I get very negative thoughts about my motives. What should I do? 1 John says no one who is born of God sins, but I sin all the time- please help me understand...

May 20, 2019

In Romans 5:11-21, why is Adams sin given to everyone and why isn’t Christ righteousness given to everyone? Can we be erased from the book of life? What’s the place of works in the Christian life?

May 20, 2019

What does it mean “by his stripes we are healed”? Do we have the mind of Christ? Do we have to pray for it? Are there levels of sin?

May 20, 2019

Are we required to give ten percent? Can you lose your salvation because of a sexual sin? Are we under the law?