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The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Aug 19, 2020

Is it okay for a believer to have their body cremated? I worry about whether I’m a true believer and if I will experience God’s wrath. Is water baptism necessary for salvation? What is the spiritual gift of faith? What is the blessing of Abraham and does it relate to health and wealth? Can Christians only vote for...

Aug 19, 2020

Do we need revival? Do we have a spirit or just the Holy Spirit living in us? Can we have idolatry in our heart?

Aug 19, 2020

How could people find out about God without the Bible? How do you talk with people of other denominations or beliefs? Can a Christian commit the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Have any spiritual gifts ceased today?


Aug 19, 2020

What is praying in the Spirit? What is “building yourselves up in the most holy faith”? What role do the 10 Commandments play in the life of a believer?


Aug 19, 2020

In Exodus 32 it says that someone can be blotted out of the book of life. Does this apply to us today? When do we receive the Holy Spirit? I don’t feel anything when I worship or evangelize. Can you help me?