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The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

May 12, 2020

Truth: Jesus Christ is our secret of contentment in every circumstance.


May 12, 2020

Is there no condemnation only when we walk by the Spirit? Does Hebrews 6:4 teach that a believer can lose their salvation? Is grace and obedience two opposing ideas?


May 12, 2020

Are we required to keep the sabbath? Will God’s plan prevail? Do we have daily choices? I struggle with being bi-polar. Is something wrong with me?


May 12, 2020

How can I know that I am saved if even the demons believe? What is the narrow gate that leads to life? Why does Jesus say His yoke is easy? How should we view the book of Revelation? What was the significance of John the Baptist?


May 12, 2020

Why did Jesus use unusual methods to heal people? Will I always struggle with the same type of temptation? Will everyone have a chance to hear the Gospel? How do we best understand “the Lord is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3) in light of the Trinity?