Feb 14, 2025
What about someone who says they no longer believe or care about Jesus? I’m a new believer and wonder why I don’t always feel love for my family the way that I should. Does a Christian go in and out of the light? I heard a pastor teach that and it scares me.
Feb 13, 2025
How should we read Psalm 51 in light of the cross? What about the book of Joel? How should I view my struggle with mental health? How can my wife help me? What do we talk to God about in prayer now that we understand His grace better?
Feb 12, 2025
How much false doctrine can God overlook and still save a person? How can we best understand 1 John 1:9? Why did Jesus ask Peter three times about his love? How were people in the Old Testament saved?
Feb 11, 2025
Fully God, fully man - did Christ have the “capacity” to sin? Does the grace of God make some people go passive? Why didn’t God heal Paul? What did God mean by “My grace is sufficient”?
Feb 9, 2025
Is the idea of “relational forgiveness“ biblical? Do I need to get re-baptized? Can lazy Christians lose their salvation? What does it mean to pray in Jesus’ name? Should we follow preachers who teach loss of salvation? I got sprinkled instead of immersed. Does that count?